A lot of people put together those blog posts about the things they couldn't live without when it comes to motherhood/parenting, like Michelle, Katrina, and Danielle.
I've found them to be helpful but also more revealing about the individual who 'can't live without them'.
I've found them to be helpful but also more revealing about the individual who 'can't live without them'.
So I thought I'd do the same - maybe some of these items will be helpful for you, but if not at the very least you'll learn a lil more about myself, DaddyOat and our Sugar.
Item no. 1
Ergo Baby Carrier
It took me a few days to finally purchase this due to its high cost...but our lil Sugar needs to be held almost constantly and our other baby carrier just wasn't doing the trick. I wish we had purchased this before Sugar came so as to save us from some frustrating moments.
The Ergo has worked like a charm every time. It's comfortable for Sugar -he isn't held my his crotch but sits on his lil bum - and for me too, except when I try to wash dishes.
The infant wrap that you buy separately is like a lil hot dog bun, he looks so cute in it. It's great for when you want to take the carrier off, you can get the carrier off without disturbing baby, their still warm and snug in the infant wrap.
I would recommend the Ergo to everyone, and if I could I would buy it for every baby shower.
Item no. 2
Infant Chair
Without this thing, I would never be able to take a shower. This lil thing keeps our Sugar occupied for just long enough for me to soap up and rinse off, sometimes I can even manage to get dressed before the wailing begins.
{The above image shows the one we own which is a swing, a chair and a rocker all in one}
Now I don't support any one type of infant chair but it is handy to have one that is MORE than just a chair. When Sugar is no longer interested in just sitting in the chair, we can out him in the swing, so the link I've given is for the same model we own.
Item no. 3
Baby Car Seat Carrier
Because Sugar very much does not like his carseat, having one that quickly clicks in and our of its base are great. It's even better when Sugar falls asleep in his carseat to not have to pull him out of it to go anywhere, we just simply take the carseat out and click it into his stroller.
Before we bought it DaddyOat very much did not want to purchase a stroller, but since admits that even though we seldom use the stroller, it was better to purchase this whole ensemble them to just buy a carseat on its own.
Item no. 4
Nursing Tops
Our lil Sugar loves to eat, and there is nothing else that comforts him or calms him down as much as a lil snack, so I'm forever having to quickly 'whip it out' in order to keep a screaming fit at bay. these tops aren't just convenient, but comfortable too. I haven't bothered to wear a bra since our lil Sugar was born, I've just been wearing these under my t-shirts...and now with the growing heat and humidity of summer, I can leave the bras for another day and be comfortable in just a tank top.
Item no. 5
Exercise Ball
I bought this well before getting pregnant because its a great lil workout and it promotes good posture {its pretty hard to slouch when your seat rolls out from under you}. Then through books and our pre-natal class we discovered they're totally useful for pregnancy and laboring {I did use ours during labor and it was pretty helpful!} But now that Sugar is here we use it to help calm this lil guy. Instead of wearing out our knees or backs, we can bounce him on the ball, and he loves it! He almost always starts to drift to sleep.
Item no. 6
Boon Odd Ducks
Totally not a necessity...but I loved these the moment I laid my eyes on 'Bob'. I wanted the whole collection, which we got. They are great because they are BPA and phthalate free and the contrasting colors grab Sugars' attention in the tub. Plus, Bob, Jane, Slim and Squish are just so darn cute.
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What are some baby items you were glad you had? What could you have lived without?
Item no. 1
Ergo Baby Carrier
The Ergo has worked like a charm every time. It's comfortable for Sugar -he isn't held my his crotch but sits on his lil bum - and for me too, except when I try to wash dishes.
The infant wrap that you buy separately is like a lil hot dog bun, he looks so cute in it. It's great for when you want to take the carrier off, you can get the carrier off without disturbing baby, their still warm and snug in the infant wrap.
I would recommend the Ergo to everyone, and if I could I would buy it for every baby shower.
Item no. 2
Infant Chair

{The above image shows the one we own which is a swing, a chair and a rocker all in one}
Now I don't support any one type of infant chair but it is handy to have one that is MORE than just a chair. When Sugar is no longer interested in just sitting in the chair, we can out him in the swing, so the link I've given is for the same model we own.
Item no. 3
Baby Car Seat Carrier

Before we bought it DaddyOat very much did not want to purchase a stroller, but since admits that even though we seldom use the stroller, it was better to purchase this whole ensemble them to just buy a carseat on its own.
Item no. 4
Nursing Tops
Item no. 5
Exercise Ball
I bought this well before getting pregnant because its a great lil workout and it promotes good posture {its pretty hard to slouch when your seat rolls out from under you}. Then through books and our pre-natal class we discovered they're totally useful for pregnancy and laboring {I did use ours during labor and it was pretty helpful!} But now that Sugar is here we use it to help calm this lil guy. Instead of wearing out our knees or backs, we can bounce him on the ball, and he loves it! He almost always starts to drift to sleep.
Item no. 6
Boon Odd Ducks

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What are some baby items you were glad you had? What could you have lived without?
I have to say the moby wrap is our saving grace... And our jungle activity mat.