Coffee has a special consumption/dining category in my mind. It is to be consumed either socially or if alone, is it a drink you would savour and unwind with {much like wine}. There is also good coffee and bad coffee and there are several different varieties of ways to drink it. One of which I feel I've perfected and so now I'm going to share with you.
The Even More Perfect Iced Coffee

Brew a pot of STRONG coffee. Let cool. Pour coffee into ice cube trays and freeze overnight.
In a large pitcher or bowl pour fresh coffee grinds, I used a half a bag (8oz). Then add water, much less than you would use to make that much coffee in your coffee maker. I used a little less than 2 litres. Make sure all the grinds are mixed in with the water. Put in the fridge overnight.
In the morning, strain the grinds from the coffee. Now this is a little but tricky, I put a coffee filter in the filter basket of my coffee maker, dumped in as much of the grind/water mix as I could fit, then I added just a tiny amount of water to my coffee maker and then turned it on. I did this about three times to get through all the grind/water mix. The added water in the coffee maker wasn't enough to water down the mixture, it just helped to speed up the straining process.
Once you've strained the mix and have your extra strong coffee put it in a air tight pitcher or container in the fridge until cold or until you're ready to serve it up.
To serve take the coffee ice cubes out of the freezer and fill your glass, then fill your cup halfway with the coffee, top it off with milk, and the 2-3 tbsp of sugar & stir it up & enjoy!
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Whys & Whats: I called this the Even Better Iced Coffee recipe because this is a blend of two recipes I read that both failed me, but once I married the two I had found perfection in iced coffee making!
Also, the coffee ice cubes are pretty important because this is a drink to savour, not gulp, and there is nothing so gross in the world of beverages than a delicious drink ruined by 'watering down' The coffee ice cubes just make it more and more tasty!
Our Assessment: I love this recipe, I love this drink. The sugar does have a tendency to 'settle' at the bottom of your glass, thus defeating the point of adding it in the first place. However, a friend mentioned to me that she makes sugar syrup in the summertime for drinks such as this. (Just some sugar and water mixed together and refrigerated) I haven't tried it, but I am going to next time around.
Other than that, the only sucky parts are waiting for everything to cool down and freeze.
The Even More Perfect Iced Coffee

Brew a pot of STRONG coffee. Let cool. Pour coffee into ice cube trays and freeze overnight.
In a large pitcher or bowl pour fresh coffee grinds, I used a half a bag (8oz). Then add water, much less than you would use to make that much coffee in your coffee maker. I used a little less than 2 litres. Make sure all the grinds are mixed in with the water. Put in the fridge overnight.
In the morning, strain the grinds from the coffee. Now this is a little but tricky, I put a coffee filter in the filter basket of my coffee maker, dumped in as much of the grind/water mix as I could fit, then I added just a tiny amount of water to my coffee maker and then turned it on. I did this about three times to get through all the grind/water mix. The added water in the coffee maker wasn't enough to water down the mixture, it just helped to speed up the straining process.
Once you've strained the mix and have your extra strong coffee put it in a air tight pitcher or container in the fridge until cold or until you're ready to serve it up.
To serve take the coffee ice cubes out of the freezer and fill your glass, then fill your cup halfway with the coffee, top it off with milk, and the 2-3 tbsp of sugar & stir it up & enjoy!
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Whys & Whats: I called this the Even Better Iced Coffee recipe because this is a blend of two recipes I read that both failed me, but once I married the two I had found perfection in iced coffee making!
Also, the coffee ice cubes are pretty important because this is a drink to savour, not gulp, and there is nothing so gross in the world of beverages than a delicious drink ruined by 'watering down' The coffee ice cubes just make it more and more tasty!
Our Assessment: I love this recipe, I love this drink. The sugar does have a tendency to 'settle' at the bottom of your glass, thus defeating the point of adding it in the first place. However, a friend mentioned to me that she makes sugar syrup in the summertime for drinks such as this. (Just some sugar and water mixed together and refrigerated) I haven't tried it, but I am going to next time around.
Other than that, the only sucky parts are waiting for everything to cool down and freeze.
We LOVE iced coffee, though we make it more like iced lattes with espresso and milk. The simple syrup works well - if you boil it it lasts longer without crystalising.