{Translation: Welcome!}
Hello there! Glad your reading this. This is my humble lil blog about myself and my husband (The Wild Oats) and our lil one (Sugar) and our adventures in this beautiful life the Lord has blessed us with on this incredible planet.
I wish to share with you our lives and the lessons we learn as we seek to live greener, cleaner, healthier lives for the glory of God. But that's not all! I'll also share with you our journey as a family, Christians, new parents, and whatever other titles we've absorbed.

So that's the general idea of the blog - you'll just have to read more to really know how its going to be. But perhaps before you 'commit' to reading you'd like to know a lil about us Oats and our Sugar!
First thing, I never type out "little" I type out 'lil'
Second, if you ever notice a lack of capital letters, do not take this as a sign of my lack of intelligence or proper grammatical education, half the time I'm feeding our lil Sugar and can't be bothered to stretch the one finger on the one hand I have free to hit the caps lock key.
Thirdly (is thirdly a word?)
We live in southeastern Ontario in a beautiful lil house we rent next to a bay. We moved to this area with the intention of being missionaries to this community.

DaddyOat loves photography and has a seasonal job doing school photos (remember picture day!?). In his spare time he teaches at our church, works on his Master's degree thesis, and gardens or reads. He's also super handsome and a total gentleman...and he's all mine.

MamaOat (that would be me) loves her baby Sugar and learning all about motherhood, the wonder of birth and co-creating lil persons (I hope to do doula training soon). In what little 'spare time' exists in the realm of motherhood, I enjoying cooking, baking, hosting dinners and doing all sorts of domestic things.

Sugar loves baths, eating and sleeping. In his spare time he eats, sleeps, MAYBE works in a smile or two, and endures having his diaper changed. He is also totally enamoured with the outdoors which is fine by DaddyOat and MamaOat who are outside as often as they can be.
Together, we're your simple ordinary family, trying to live a greener cleaner healthier life.
I hope you enjoy following our adventures and misadventures in the ordinary.
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Before you go, please, let me know who you are! What do you love? What do you do in your spare time (Other than read this fabulous blog)?
Hello there! Glad your reading this. This is my humble lil blog about myself and my husband (The Wild Oats) and our lil one (Sugar) and our adventures in this beautiful life the Lord has blessed us with on this incredible planet.
I wish to share with you our lives and the lessons we learn as we seek to live greener, cleaner, healthier lives for the glory of God. But that's not all! I'll also share with you our journey as a family, Christians, new parents, and whatever other titles we've absorbed.
So that's the general idea of the blog - you'll just have to read more to really know how its going to be. But perhaps before you 'commit' to reading you'd like to know a lil about us Oats and our Sugar!
First thing, I never type out "little" I type out 'lil'
Second, if you ever notice a lack of capital letters, do not take this as a sign of my lack of intelligence or proper grammatical education, half the time I'm feeding our lil Sugar and can't be bothered to stretch the one finger on the one hand I have free to hit the caps lock key.
Thirdly (is thirdly a word?)
We live in southeastern Ontario in a beautiful lil house we rent next to a bay. We moved to this area with the intention of being missionaries to this community.
DaddyOat loves photography and has a seasonal job doing school photos (remember picture day!?). In his spare time he teaches at our church, works on his Master's degree thesis, and gardens or reads. He's also super handsome and a total gentleman...and he's all mine.
MamaOat (that would be me) loves her baby Sugar and learning all about motherhood, the wonder of birth and co-creating lil persons (I hope to do doula training soon). In what little 'spare time' exists in the realm of motherhood, I enjoying cooking, baking, hosting dinners and doing all sorts of domestic things.
Sugar loves baths, eating and sleeping. In his spare time he eats, sleeps, MAYBE works in a smile or two, and endures having his diaper changed. He is also totally enamoured with the outdoors which is fine by DaddyOat and MamaOat who are outside as often as they can be.
Together, we're your simple ordinary family, trying to live a greener cleaner healthier life.
I hope you enjoy following our adventures and misadventures in the ordinary.
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Before you go, please, let me know who you are! What do you love? What do you do in your spare time (Other than read this fabulous blog)?
Looking forward to reading more! :)