
A Day In The Life

Sorry again for my hiatus from blogging. Honestly I don't believe that I have enough readers to merit being a faithful blogger, but I realize how rude that is to the few bloggers I have, as if the few that they are are not important enough to blog for. Though, I am not blogging for anyone else, but rather for myself, to get things off my mind, to get things in writing, and to take some time to STOP and THINK. Rather than my usual of just going on and thinking as I go.

I thought I'd post about why I haven't' been posting.

You've heard a lot about him already and maybe you'd like me to write about other things in my life, but really there is nothing much else right now.

Our Sugar quite simply a "high needs" child. (Also known as a "spirited" child, but who doesn't want their child to be 'spirited'?) He knows exactly what he wants and cries or screams until he gets just that. Most 'high needs' children need constant attention and holding. The whole 'cry it out' method (which I don't agree with) does not work for ones like Sugar. He will scream himself into a hysterical fit, from which it is near impossible to console him.

It is supremely challenging. Our Sugar has been held most of his lil life. Now at five months I've got pipes for arms. However things have changed, he is slowly beginning to enjoy a few play activities on his own but not for long, maybe 5 or 10 minute here and there.

For the most part our day looks something like this:

7am - Wake up. Sugar plays on the floor for 10 minutes while I shove breakfast in my face. I also try to sneak in a shower here if Sugar is being happy enough.
8am - By this point Sugar if definitely irate at being "left alone" and so we do a diaper change, I feed him a lil breakfast and we play until naptime
9am-11am - Nap. We lay together in bed and Sugar nurses to sleep. If I do get up to do anything its usually chores or cooking. But I've found Sugar sleeps longer and wakes up happier if I lay with him, so I spend my time reading.
12pm-2pm - Playtime! Sugar is all about being WITH someone at this point. If we can we take a walk, we exercise, and have a snack or two.
3pm - Naptime again.
5pm - Dinnertime! DaddyOat is home and we trade between holding Sugar and cooking dinner. If we can manage it we try to eat together, but more often than not one eats while the other plays with Sugar.
7pm - Bathtime!
8pm - Nurse and NightNight, I usually go to bed at this point too...however tonight Sugar is asleep on my lap while I type this blog post for you that has been over two weeks in the making, and now you can understand why.


  1. Good to hear from you again, Naomi. :) Looks like a full day, but I'm impressed by how well you all seem to be doing! He's growing so fast, and what a looker! He's handsome!

  2. What a cute little guy. He's looking so big!

  3. What a growing boy! We're praying for all three of you. :)


love hearing from ya!